A Home Away From Home

We offer patients and caregivers a comfortable, affordable place to stay.

What We Do
Hospital Hospitality House of Saginaw provides compassionate, affordable housing so patients and their family don’t have to sleep in a waiting room, their car, or an expensive hotel room. And, unlike a hotel, we have a community setting so our guests can come together as a group with others going through similar, stressful situations and support each other.
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Success Stories

Sam & Scott
Mayville, MI
Samantha and Scott had a long rode to get here but they finally made it home almost 3 weeks before Matthew's due date! 🎉 Mom was on strict bedrest at Covenant HealthCare for a month before having Matthew. Once he arrived, he stayed in the NICU and mom and dad stayed with us for 85 days! We absolutely loved having them at our McNally Hospitality House and rejoicing in all of Matthew's little wins throughout the summer! Enjoy having him home and finally getting to show him off to everyone guys!
Austin & Dezarae
Hale, MI
Baby Kinzley spent over two months in the NICU at Covenant HealthCare. Austin, Dezarae, Westley, and Suzie lived 1.5 hours from Saginaw so they stayed with us so mom could be close to the hospital and still take care of their other two kids. Then, dad drove back and forth to work. We loved having Westley and Suzie entertaining all of the guests with their stories and giggles every day and we'll definitely miss hearing their little feet coming down the halls!
Colton & Autumn
Wolverine, MI
Wow, have Colton & Autumn been on a journey with baby Bentley! He was born at 23 weeks and mom and dad began staying with us on New Year's Eve. They were with us for two months until Bentley had to have an eye procedure down at U of M. They stayed down there with him for about 3 weeks until he was ready to come back up to Saginaw. They stayed with us for another month and then, at 4 months old, Bentley was finally able to go home and meet the rest of the family!
Freedom & Katrina
Prescott, MI
New NICU moms, Freedom and Katrina, were already friends back in Prescott. However, their bond grew even stronger when they both had babies just a week apart and spent six weeks together at McNally. And now, they are supporting each other in raising their daughters, Raynie and Ava.
Alan & Sherri
MIdland, MI
Baby Zara Raven was supposed to be born in Midland but when the doctors realized her umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck, they sent her to Covenant HealthCare where she was born via c-section at 33 weeks. Alan and Sherri then stayed with us for the next month while Zara worked on eating and breathing on her own. They couldn't afford the full nightly room rate but dad made sure he helped out around the house and even made dinner a few nights a week to show his appreciation.
Matt & Marissa
Bay City, MI
Marissa and Matt are from Bay City, which isn't far but feels like forever when you're new little baby is in the hospital. So, we gladly took them in for 53 days. They shared daily baby pictures with us and we shared warm meals with them!
Helping Families Stay Close

Every day, patients come to Saginaw for emergency medical care while their families are dislocated without a proper place to rest. This leads to sleeping in the patient’s room, in the waiting room, or in their car.

During these stressful times, we provide peace of mind and affordable lodging for families in need so they can focus on their loved one. With accommodations out of the way, families can dedicate themselves more to the patient’s treatment, participating fully with the medical team as partners in care, resulting in better, safer recovery.

Making A Difference

Overnight Stays so far in
Overnight Stays in
Guests served in
Pays for a room for
one night
Thank You To Our Generous Supporters